“India’s Role in Emerging Global Oder” with Ram Madhav

Ram Madhav Webinar with Coronacures, Scipreneur and Lokniti
Scipreneur and Lokniti Invite You For
“Interaction Session With Young Intellectuals”
National General Secretary, BJP
Member, Board of Governors, India Foundation
“India’s Role in Emerging Global Oder”
8 pm (IST) Sunday 24 May, 2020
Send your queries: teamcoronacures@gmail.com
Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 852 9417 7450
Password: 349605
About the Speaker
Shri Ram Madhav, National Gen Secretary of BJP incharge of J&K since 2014 and North East States. He was a member of the National Executive of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and Member, Board of Governering Body of India Foundation, a Think Tank based in Delhi. He has authored several books in English and Telgu. His latest is Uneasy Neighbours: India and China after Fifty Years of the war affairs of govt of India.
He has traveled to over 30 counties and has addressed prestigious forums like the ShangriLa Dialogue in Singapore, World Peace Conference, Thailand, Halifax Security Forum, Canada, 2nd Sochi Eurasia Integration Forum Russia, BRICS Political Forum in China amongst many others.
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